Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Adventures in Dunken Photography!

So I went into NYC on Saturday and became inebriated...
I was on my way to a show with a friend and decided to pull out my camera and start snapping some random drunken pictures. These are my favorites of those I took.

Here's my friend Steph's arm and her White Russian...

This is a beautiful Nike that someone had thrown in the trash...

There was a whole wall of spectacular black and white graffiti.

This was a Homer Simpson face on the same wall.

A bright green neon sign in unfamiliar characters...

I couldn't tell you if this was a building or traffic in the street but I think the streaks of light are magical, whatever they were.

This is one of my favorites. A particularly blurry fruit stand. 10:41PM that picture was taken. I just thought it was very strange that there was a fruit stand like that still open on the street selling fruit so late at night.

This is a picture of my legs. Not even sure how I took this picture. It's such an odd angle, as if I was behind myself.

Just a perfect NYC nightscape...

These are the puppets from the show we went to, Stuffed and Unstrung. I think they look like zombies the way they are hung on the rack.

Of all of the pictures I took that night this is the one I am most proud of, especially having been plastered at the time. Just simple, shot straight up into those elegant little white flowers with the black sky background.

I just love the primary colors used on the MetroCard kiosks...are they considered kiosks?

Last but not least...
On our way home we went through Hoboken to get some fried chicken. Hoboken has a major problem with public drunkenness. This was posted to one of the doors.

I also put together a little video of all the pictures I took...

If you enjoyed this video you can see more at http://www.youtube.com/user/PamAnnJett!

1 comment:

  1. "This is our home. It is not a toilet. Please direct your vomit elsewhere."

    :( Sad. Also funny. I feel bad, because I cannot imagine having to deal with that (no one should) but I must admit I lol'd.
